Are you frustrated trying to build your full-arch business with your referring dentists?
You’re not alone.
Implant super centers have demonstrated that there’s a market for full arch cases. Yet most surgeons in private practice do fewer than 20 cases per year – even after years of providing clinical education for their referring dentists.
The challenge is twofold:
Clinical training and education alone is not enough for general dentists to successfully incorporate full-arch cases into their practices; and
Working with multiple, independent practices can be difficult because nothing is standardized.
The Smile Complete comprehensive hybrid treatment marketing program for oral surgery practices addresses these issues, and helps you generate more full-arch case referrals. The program also provides a practice differentiator in a competitive market, and strengthens referral relationships.

A Comprehensive Hybrid Treatment Marketing Program
for Oral Surgery Practices
The Concept
Create co-marketing partnerships with referring practices to promote full-arch treatment to patients and the community – together.
Implement a program to have all team members engaged and on the same page relative to patient education, financing plans, workflow, maintenance and promotion.
Standardize the consultation and fee presentation protocols to maximize case acceptance in all participating practices.
Coordinate all aspects of the treatment sequence and maintenance to improve the overall patient experience and streamline processes in the practices.
The Benefits
Smile Complete provides a branded procedure with patient services to compete effectively with implant super centers’ advertising.
Referring practices “partner” with the surgical practice to provide and promote hybrid treatment, strengthening referral relationships.
The program engages all team members in the surgical and restorative offices to maximize support and success of the program.
Increased case acceptance in referring practices leads to increased full-arch case referrals to the surgical practice.
Bidirectional referrals are generated with the direct to consumer marketing campaign, further strengthening referral relationships.

The Program Components
Team training is provided for surgical practice, covering patient education and marketing, as well as referral marketing and lunch and learn meetings
The customized Referral Partnership Guide Book outlines workflow, lab information, patient education, maintenance protocols, and financing
An evening presentation is provided for announcing Smile Complete to referrals
The Patient education materials for the surgical practice and the referring practices are customized with practice-specific information and photos
A digital marketing strategy for the surgical practice is customized, and includes content for use on the practice website and social media platforms
Marketing materials and content are also provided for participating referring practices